How it Works

Cloud-connected bioprocess development

Bioprocess development in our lab, from your laptop

Leverage our cloud-connected bioprocess development software, ConsoleTM, to remotely design, monitor, and analyze experiments conducted with our advanced 250mL and 5L laboratory bioreactors. Our proprietary ConsoleTM software puts bioprocessing services at your fingertips, streamlining every stage of the bioprocess development workflow.

Close-up on bank of active cloud-connected bioreactors
Graph for CHO experiment 052

Design & plan

Demo of design of experiment management with Console ™
Experiment library and management
Scheduling equipment
Effective modeling to build most impactful experiments for optimized outcomes
Media design, planning, and library
Experiment planning

Monitor data in real-time

Demonstrating live feed of pH experimental data from bioreactor
Real-time process monitoring: Track and manage experiments as they happen.
Offline data integration: Consolidate online and offline datasets for holistic analysis.
Manual controls: Execute interventions directly through the platform.
Media design & planning: Plan media tailored to experimental needs.
Experiment annotation: Document observations and process details.
Equipment & sensor management: Streamline bioreactor calibration and operation.
Experiment planning & documentation: Generate reports suitable for CMC compliance.

Analyze data

Filter experimental research data by strain
Time-series graphing: Visualize trends in process and analytical data.
Cross-experimental analysis: Compare data across multiple runs for optimized outcomes.
API integration: Incorporate real-time datasets into data science and machine learning pipelines.
Collaborative workshops: Share insights and collaborate across teams.
Custom graphing tools: Tailor visualizations to your specific needs.


Single bioreactor in circle
Single bioreactor in circle
Template-based process design: Standardize and scale processes with reusable templates.
Data-driven AI modeling: Use machine learning to model and predict process outcomes.
Real-world data training: Continuously refine process simulations with experimental results.
Pre-bioreactor simulations: Optimize workflows before executing in a laboratory bioreactor.
Coming Soon

Install our bioreactors in your lab

Expand your bioprocessing services with ConsoleTM-connected laboratory bioreactors. Our modular bioreactor systems, carts, and vessels integrate seamlessly into your lab infrastructure, enabling rapid scale-out and process scalability.

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Bank of three life science research instruments

Designed to scale

We offer a 250mL and 5L bioreactor configuration with seamless scaling between both, and beyond.

We’ve partnered with Cytiva to give customers confidence that the process and data produced from Culture’s ecosystem will help them predict performance at the next level, whether it be clinical or commercial scale.

Our bioreactors

At Culture, we custom-build our reactors to be cloud-connected and modular, making bioprocess scale-out, design, monitoring, and analysis as easy as possible.


250mL bench-scale single-use bioreactor

Benchtop bioreactor for process development

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5L single-use bioreactor

Bioreactor for process development and material generation

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Culture in your lab

Modular single-use bioreactors designed to be easily scaled up or down

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Culture really excels at their data platform. I haven't seen anything like it before. It's so easy to review and analyze results from an experiment.
Charles Tindell

Latest resources


Welcoming Victor Bornsztejn as Senior Vice President of Commercial

January 21, 2025
White paper

Comparison of AAV2 production in Culture Biosciences’ 250mL reactors vs commercially available 250mL bioreactors

January 2, 2025

Optimize your bioprocess with Culture